About us

The “About” page on tamilanguide.co.in provides users with information about the website, its purpose, and the team behind it. The page begins with a brief introduction to the website, highlighting its key features and services. It then goes on to provide more detail about the website and its history.

The About page explains that tamilanguide.co.in was founded in 2017 with the goal of making it easier for people in Tamil Nadu to access important information and resources related to government schemes, education, employment, and more. The website aims to be a comprehensive resource for people in Tamil Nadu, providing up-to-date information and resources that can help them improve their lives.

The page also introduces the team behind tamilanguide.co.in, providing information about the founders and other members of the team. It explains that the team is made up of individuals who are passionate about making a difference in people’s lives and are committed to providing accurate and up-to-date information.

The About page goes on to explain the various services and features offered by tamilanguide.co.in, including the comprehensive database of government schemes and programs, information on education and employment opportunities, and insightful blog posts about Tamil Nadu culture and events. It also emphasizes that the website is completely free to use, and that users can access all the information and resources on the website without any cost.