Central Industrial Security Force Constable Fire Syllabus Exam Pattern 2022 | Download CISF Constable Fire Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2022 through official Website www.cisfrectt.in Here we are updating all the CISF Constable Fire Old Previous Year Question Papers, Model Question Paper, Exam Pattern, and Syllabus.
CISF Constable Fire Selection Procedure/Scheme:
The Selection Procedure/Scheme of the Exam will be as follows: Physical Standards Test (PST)/Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Documentation, Written Test and Medical examination
Central Industrial Security Force Constable Fire Exam:
(A). Physical standard test(PST)/ physical efficiency test (PET) & documentation.
(I) Physical Efficiency Test: To ensure smooth, transparency, accuracy and minimize human error, force will exercise its discretion to employ adequate measures and modernized means for conduct of PET event.
Height Bar Test and 05 KMS Race (Qualifying Nature): At the very beginning, candidates will be asked to go through the height bar and thereby, candidates with lesser height will be eliminated and will be given rejection slip intimating reasons for rejection. Those candidates who qualify the height test will be subjected to PET which shall consist of 05 Kms race to be completed in 24 minutes followed by biometric identification & screening of testimonials and thereon chest and weight measurements by a board .
NOTE – 1:- This test will be only qualifying in nature . The candidate (s) who do not qualify the race will be eliminated and will not be allowed to participate in further process of recruitment and will be given rejection slip intimating reasons for rejection.
NOTE – 2:- PET will not be held for Ex-Servicemen. They will be required to appear at the time of PST/PET event to record their measurements, documentation and produce their education certificate and other testimonials. However, Ex-Servicemen will be required to qualify in the Written and medical examination.
(II) Physical Standards Test:
(i) The candidates who qualify Height Bar Test /PET will be screened for height, chest and weight by the Board of Officers. The candidates who meet the requirements of physical standard will be allowed to participate in the written test. The candidates who do not fulfill the laid down physical standards will be eliminated from recruitment process by giving rejection slip, thereof, by Presiding Officer. However elimination on grounds of weight will be done at the time of medical examination only.
(ii) During the process of recruitment, if any candidate is not satisfied with measurement of his physical standard i.e. height and chest , he can prefer appeal, if he so desire, to the Supervising DIG on the same day. Such candidates will be re-measured on the same day or given a fresh date by the appellate authority for appearing for re-measurement. The decision of the appellate authority will be final and no further appeal or representation in this regard will be entertained. Appeal for re-conduct of PET (Run) will not be entertained.
NOTE 1:- Relaxation in height and chest (as the case may be) will be permissible only on production of requisite certificate at the time of PST/PET & documentation in the prescribed proforma from the competent authorities where he ordinarily resides.
NOTE -2:- Conduct of PST/PET will be the sole responsibility of the PST/PET Board. CISF Directorate will not entertain any representation/ appeal etc. against the decision of the PST/PET Board.
(III) Documentation: Following Original testimonial/documents of the candidates who qualified in PST/PET will be scrutinized. Candidates who fail to produce requisite original testimonials / certificates will be eliminated from the recruitment process and no candidates will be allowed provisionally.
Exam Pattern for CISF Constable Fire Posts:
(B) Written Examination
The candidates who qualify in PST/PET, Identity Check and Documentation will be called for OMR based Written Examination. Admit card to the eligible candidates, will be uploaded in the website https://cisfrectt.in by mentioning date and venue on which they are required to appear for written test. Qualified candidates may download their call letter/admit card through above website. The written test will be as under:-
(i) The written test will be conducted on OMR based.
(ii) The question paper will be set to assess the general awareness/ general knowledge, knowledge of elementary mathematics, analytical aptitude and ability to observe and distinguish patterns and to test the basic knowledge of the candidate in English/ Hindi. The questions will be set bilingual in English/ Hindi.
(iii) The written test will be of 100 marks consisting of 100 objective type multiple choice questions to be answered in two hours.
(iv) The minimum percentage of marks for qualification for next stage will be as under:
General & Ex-Servicemen: 35 %
SC/ST/OBC: 33 %
NOTE :- The qualifying marks means that person scoring less than the qualifying marks will not be called for next stage even if vacancy remains unfilled. The candidates will be called for next stage on the basis of their position in merit in the written examination and cut off marks of each State/Category according to allotted vacancy.
(v) No representation for revaluation of answer sheet of written exam or re-conduct of written examination will be entertained.
(vi) Questions are to be answered using a black ball pen. Therefore, the Candidates should bring black ball pens for written examination.
(vii) Candidates are not permitted to use Mobile phone, calculators or any other electronic/electrical device. Candidates, therefore, must not bring these devices inside the examination premises. Possession of these items, whether in use or not, will be considered as “use of unfair means” in the Examination and appropriate action will be taken against such candidates.
(C) Merit List
(i) After completion of PST/PET, documentation and Written Examination, State and category wise merit lists for (UR/SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen) will be drawn separately in respect of each State/UTs on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in the written test.
(ii) In case tie in marks, the merit list will be prepared in the following order :-
(a) The candidate older in age gets preference.
(b) If the tie still persists, then the candidate with more height and higher educational qualification will be placed above.
(c) Further, tie if any shall be resolved by referring to the alphabetical order of names i.e. a candidate whose name begins with the alphabet (English) which comes first in the alphabetical orders get preference.
(D) Final Selection
The final selection of the candidates will be made in order of merit in each category and allotted vacancy to each State. The minimum cut off percentage of marks for selection will normally be as under:-
General & Ex-servicemen : 35%
SC/ST/OBC : 33%
No waiting list will be kept/ maintained.
(E). Medical Examination
(i) Only those candidates who find a place in the select list as per the available vacancy in each category in the State will be called for medical examination. The Department shall have the discretion to fix different qualifying standards for candidates belonging to different State/categories taking into consideration vacancies allotted to each State/UT.
(ii) Candidates selected for detailed medical examination may download their call letters/admit card through CISF website.
(iii) Candidates will be declared either FIT OR UNFIT. Temporary unfitness is not allowed. (iv) Candidates declared unfit may file an appeal/representation to the designated authority within 15 days of declaring him unfit by the medical board with requisite fee i.e. Rs.25/- and a proof of his fitness in the prescribed form. The medical certificate will not be taken into consideration unless it contains a note by the medical practitioner of District Hospital and above to the effect that it has been given in full knowledge of the fact that the candidate has already been declared unfit for appointment by a Medical Officer and in his opinion this is an error of judgment.
(v) Tattoos marked on traditional sites of the body like inner aspect of forearm, but only left forearm, being non-saluting limb or dorsum of the hand are to be allowed. Size must be less than ¼ of the particular part (Elbow or Hand) of the body.
CISF Constable Fire Syllabus PDF Download:
The CISF Constable Fire Syllabus is provided for the candidates preparing for Exam. Candidates those who have applied for CISF Constable Fire Recruitment 2022 can use this syllabus helps you to give your best in the Constable Fire Exam. The CISF Syllabus topics mentioned below. The standard syllabus for CISF Constable Fire Exam is
Click Here for CISF Constable Fire Syllabus PDF Download
Question Papers Download for CISF Constable Fire Posts:
CISF Constable Fire Model Papers In this article, we have given the Previous Papers in PDF Format. The aspirants can download previous papers PDF from this page. After downloading the model papers the candidates have to start their preparation. In this page, the contenders can check CISF Constable Fire solved previous papers and exam pattern along with Syllabus. By doing more practice on CISF Constable Fire solved papers candidates can hit the written test without any confusion. The aspirants have to know about model paper and exam pattern before starting preparation. By practicing more and more previous year question papers the applicants can attempt the exam easily without any confusion and they can crack the written test successfully.
CISF Constable Fire Question Papers PDF Download Link:
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