CISF Constable (Tradesmen) Exam Syllabus 2019 2020 | CISF Cook, Cobbler, Barber, Washer-man, Carpenter, Sweeper, Painter, Mason, Plumber, Mali & Electrician i Syllabus and Exam Pattern are given on this page. So, candidates who are searching for the CISF Syllabus 2019 they can collect full PDF on this page. CISF Constable (Tradesmen) Syllabus plays a prominent role in any exam preparation. Without having CISF Constable (Tradesmen) syllabus and Exam pattern nobody can know which subjects to prepare for the examination. You can check all details of Madras High Court Syllabus here. Are you looking for the free download? Then go through this section.
CISF Constable (Tradesmen) Selection Process:
The Selection Procedure of the Exam will be as follows:
a. | Height Bar Test |
b. | Physical Efficiency Test |
c. | Physical Standard Test |
d. | Documentation |
e. | Trade Test |
f. | Written Test |
CISF Constable (Tradesmen) Height Bar Test
I) HEIGHT BAR TEST(HBT)(QUALIFYING IN NATURE) Those candidates found eligible in height bar test will be put through the next stage i.e. PET.
CISF Constable (Tradesmen) Physical Efficiency Test
II) PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST(PET) (QUALIFYING IN NATURE) Those candidates who qualify the height bar test will be subjected to 1.6 Kms race to be completed in 6 minutes 30 seconds.
1.This test will only be qualifying in nature. The candidates who do not qualify the race would be eliminated from the recruitment process by giving rejection slip intimating reasons thereof by the Presiding Officer and will not be allowed to participate in further process of recruitment.
2.PET will not be held for Ex-Servicemen as mentioned above. However, Ex-Servicemen will be required to appear at the time of PET/PST event to record their measurements, documentation and produce their education certificate and other testimonials. They will also appear and qualify in trade test, written test, & medical examination. Ex-servicemen will be required to qualify in medical examination as per MHA UO No. A.VI-1/2014-Rectt (SSB) dated 20th May, 2015.
CISF Constable (Tradesmen) Physical Standard Test
i) The candidates who are qualified Height Bar Test/PET will be measured for height, chest and weight by the Board of Officers. The candidates who meet the requirements of physical standard will be allowed to participate in Documentation. The candidates who do not fulfill the laid down physical standards will be eliminated from recruitment process by giving rejection slip, thereof. However, elimination on grounds of weight will be done at the time of medical examination. Physical standards for the post of Constable (Tradesmen) has been elaborated in Para 4(c)above and relaxation will also be applicable as per Government orders issued from time to time.
ii) During the process of recruitment, if any candidate is not satisfied with measurement of his physical standard, he can prefer written appeal on the same day to the Supervising DIsG (i.e. appellate authority) against rejection in physical measurement. Such candidates will be re-measured either on the same day or will be given a fresh date by the Supervising DIsG of the recruitment board to appear for re measurement by appellate authority. The decision of the appellate authority in this regard will be final. If candidate is found to be within the prescribed standard, he will be allowed to the next stage of the selection process.However, appeal for re-conduct of PET (race) will not be entertained.
Note:-1 : Relaxation in height and chest (as the case may be) as mentioned above will be permissible only on production of required certificate at the time of PET/PST, documentation & trade test in the proforma as prescribed in Annexure-VIfrom the competent authorities of the Districts where he ordinarily resides.
Note:-2 :Conduct of PET/PST will be the sole responsibility of the PET/PST Board and supervising DIsG. CISF Directorate will not entertain any representation/appeal etc against the decision of the PET/PST Board.
Note:-3 : There is no appeal in PET (Race).
CISF Constable (Tradesmen) Documentation
IV) DOCUMENTATION Following Original testimonial/documents of the candidates who qualified in PET/PST will be scrutinized. Candidates who fail to produce requisite original testimonials / certificates will be eliminated from the recruitment process by giving rejection slip intimating reasons thereof by the Presiding Officer and no candidates will be allowed provisionally.
(i) Educational certificates.
(ii) Date of birth certificate. (Matriculation or 10th pass certificate).
(iii) Domicile certificate issued by competent revenue authority to prove their domiciliary status.
(iv) SC/ST, OBC and EWS Certificate, if applicable. It should be in the proforma as prescribed in Annexure-I, II& IIIrespectively. Caste certificates which are not in prescribed manner as specified in the advertisement notice will not be accepted.
(v) Caste certificate issued from a State other than domicile State of candidate will not be considered,i.e. both certificates (Caste and Domicile) should be issued by the same State.
(vi) Candidates falling in the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to the States of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir and Leh&Ladhakh regions of J & K requesting for relaxation in height and chest should produce certificate in proforma/format given in Annexure-VI
(vii) Discharge certificate in case of Ex-servicemen.
(viii) No objection Certificate in case of persons serving in Govt./Semi-Govt. Departments from their Head of Office as per format given in Appendix-‘C’ & ‘D’.
(ix) In case of wards of serving CISF personnel, who are applying in State other than their Home State, certificate as per format given in Annexure-VII has to be produced.
(x) Four passport size recent photographs of the candidates. (xi) Identity Certificate for WPRs (West Pakistani Refugee) residing in the State of J&K as per Annexure – ‘VIII’.
(xii) Domicile certificate for those who had ordinarily domiciled in the State of J&K from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 for age relaxation.
(xiii) The candidates must carry photo bearing identification proof such as Driving License, Voter Card, Aadhaar Card, Identity Card issued by University/College, Income Tax Pan Card in original which he hasmentioned / filled in application form
(xiv) Identification of the candidates will be checked by the board of officers at the time of PET / PST / Documentation& Trade test, Written Examination & Medical Examination from Identity Cards as produced by the candidate. Biometric data (fingerprint) will be captured at 1 st stage of Recruitment for verification which will be used for further stages of recruitment.
CISF Constable (Tradesmen) Trade Test
(a) All the candidates declared pass in PET/PST & documentation will undergo trade test. Trade test will be qualifying in nature.
(b) Trade test/practical assessment to be done, which will be qualifying in nature.
c) | Trade Test : |
Those who qualify in the PET (Physical Efficiency Test), PST (Physical standard test) physical measurement and detailed verification of eligibility standard will be put through the trade test as prescribed for each post is as under :- | |
1 | COOK |
a) Cooking of Chapati& Rice | |
b) Cooking of vegetable/Dal/Samber / Idli etc., | |
c) Cooking of Meat/Fish/Egg/Kheer | |
a) Polishing of shoes | |
b) Handling of tools | |
c) Cutting of leather repair & stitching of Shoes | |
3. | BARBER |
a) Handling of tools | |
b) Hair Cutting | |
c) Shaving | |
a) Washing of clothes | |
b) Ironing of Khaki Cotton Uniform | |
c) Ironing of woollen, Terry cotton Uniforms | |
a) Handling of tools | |
b) Cutting of wood | |
c) Fitting, polishing and finishing of material | |
5. | SWEEPER |
a) Sweeping | |
b) Cleaning of toilets | |
c) Cleaning of Bathrooms etc | |
6. | PAINTER |
a) Knowledge of colours, paints and shades | |
b) Painting of sign-boards | |
c) Painting/drawing | |
7. | MASON |
a) Preparation of ‘Mashala’ | |
b) Mason/Construction work | |
c) Plastering work | |
d) Laying down floor tiles & plastering floor | |
8. | PLUMBER |
a) To lay pipe line | |
b) Repair of water pipe line | |
c) Fitting of Taps, Geyser, Flush & Wash Basin | |
9. | MALI |
a) Plantations and making grafts | |
b) Maintenance of plants | |
c) Knowledge of seeds and their sowing season, Fertilizers in seetideseeti. | |
d) Knowledge of indigenous manures. | |
a) Knowledge of AC/DC current | |
b) New Electric Fitting | |
c) Rectification of Electric fault |
CISF Constable (Tradesmen) Written Test
VI) WRITTEN TEST The candidates who qualify in PET/PST, Documentation and trade test will be called for written examination. Admit Card of the candidates will be uploadedin the CISF website i.e. by mentioning date & venue on which they are required to appear for written test. Qualified candidates may download their call letter/admit card through CISF recruitment website i.e. addition, the list of candidates called for written examination and date/venue of their written examination will also be displayed in the CISF website after reasonable time from the date of completion of PET/PST, Documentation and trade test.
(i) The written test will be OMR based.
(ii) Objective type question paper to be answered on OMR sheet of 100 marks of 02 hours duration containing 100 questions on General Awareness / General Knowledge, Knowledge of elementary mathematics, Analytical Aptitude, Ability to observe and distinguish patterns and to test the basic knowledge of candidate in Hindi/English. The questions will be set bilingual in English / Hindi.
(iii) Minimum percentage of marks for qualifying for next stage will be as under:-
UR / EWS/ Ex. Servicemen : 35 %
SC/ST/OBC : 33 %
Note :The qualifying marks of 35% for UR / EWS / ESM and 33% for SC/ST/OBC does not mean that all candidates who have secured 35% & 33%, as the case may be, will be called for next stage. The candidates for next stage will be called purely on the basis of their performance / marks scored in written examination and cut off marks (Recruitment Sector/Trade/ Category wise) which will be fixed after completion of written examination.
(iv) No representation for re-valuation of answer sheet of written exam or re-conduct of written examination will be entertained.
(v) Questions are to be answered using a black / blue ball pen. Therefore, the Candidate should bring black/blue ball pens for written examination.
(i) After completion of PST/PET, documentation, Trade Test and Written Examination, Recruitment Sector-wise, Trade-wise and Category-wise merit list for UR, SC, ST, OBC, EWS& Ex-servicemen will be drawn separately on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in written test by the candidate.
(ii) The minimum qualifying marks for selection will be as under:
UR, EWS and Ex-servicemen : 35%
SC/ST/OBC : 33%
(iii) In case of tie in marks, the merit list will be prepared in the following order:-
(a) The tie will be resolved by referring to the age of the candidates i.e. the candidate older in age will get preference.
(b) If the tie still persists, it shall be resolved by comparing the height of the candidate i.e. the candidate taller in height will get preference.
(c) If the tie still remains unresolved, then it shall be resolved by the educational qualification of the candidate i.e. higher in the qualification will get preference ; and
(d) Further tie, if any, it shall be resolved by referring to the alphabetical order of names i.e. a candidate whose name begins with the alphabet (English) which comes first in the alphabetical order will get preference.
(iv) Provided that SC, ST, OBC& EWS candidates, who are selected on their own merit without availing relaxed standards, will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies. Such SC, ST, OBC and EWS candidates will be accommodated against the unreserved vacancies as per their position in the overall Merit list. The reserved vacancies will be filled up separately from amongst the eligible SCs, STs, OBCs and EWSs, candidates which will, thus, comprise of SC, ST, OBC and EWS candidates who are lower in merit than the last candidate on merit list of unreserved category but otherwise found suitable for appointment by relaxed standard.
(v) Final result will be published on website i.e.
CISF Constable (Tradesmen) Syllabus PDF Download:
Here CISF Constable (Tradesmen) Syllabus is provided for the candidates preparing for Exam. Candidates those who have applied for CISF Constable (Tradesmen) Recruitment 2019 can use this syllabus helps you to give your best in the Constable (Tradesmen) Exam. The CISF Syllabus topics mentioned below. The standard syllabus for CISF Constable (Tradesmen) Exam is
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