TN TRB Computer Instructors Grade-I Exam Syllabus 2019 2020 | TN TRB Computer Instructors Grade-I Syllabus and Exam Pattern are given on this page. So, candidates who are searching for the TN TRB Syllabus 2019 they can collect full PDF on this page. TN TRB Computer Instructors Grade-I Syllabus plays a prominent role in any exam preparation. Without having TN TRB Computer Instructors Grade-I syllabus and Exam pattern nobody can know which subjects to prepare for the examination. You can check all details of Madras High Court Syllabus here. Are you looking for the free download? Then go through this section.
TN TRB Computer Instructors Grade-I Selection Process:
The Selection Procedure of the Exam will be as follows:
- Online Computer Based Examination
- Certificate Verification
(a) Online Computer Based Examination: The date, time and Center for the Online Computer Based Examination will be indicated in the Hall Ticket. The Hall Ticket for the eligible candidates will be uploaded by the TRB in its website. The candidates are advised to refer the TRB website for details ( No written communication will be sent to the candidate. The decision of the Teachers Recruitment Board on the eligibility of the candidate to appear for the online computer based examination will be final.
Scribes: While applying the application online, on request, Visually impaired candidates/eligible orthopedically impaired candidates will be allowed assistance of scribes based on the Medical Certificate produced by the candidates.
Examination Results: The Roll-Number-wise Mark List of all candidates will be published in the website of TRB viz. A press release will be issued in this connection through print or visual media.
(b) Certificate Verification:
The Board will prepare the list of Candidates for Certificate Verification on 1:2 ratio based on the Online Computer Based Examination Marks duly following the communal rotation and other relevant rules in vogue.
If more than one candidate secures the same cut-off mark for the particular communal turn, all such candidates will be called for CV.
Certificate Verification List and C.V Call letter will be published in the TRB Website only.
Candidates short-listed as above shall bring all the original and attested copies of all Certificates as stated in the call letter for Certificate Verification.
Candidates who are not personally present for the Certificate Verification on the prescribed date shall not be considered for further selection process even if they have secured the minimum qualifying marks for selection.
Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board Computer Instructors Grade-I Exam Details:
i) The Online Computer Based Examination will consist of a single paper of 3 hours duration with 150 MCQs. Each question carries one mark. The marks allotted to the Main Subject (Computer Science), General Knowledge and Education Psychology as per Letter Rc.No.008101 /V1/E2/2019, Dated 22.02.2019 of Director of School Education.
Exam Pattern for TN TRB Computer Instructors Grade-I Posts:
Computer Science | 130 |
General Knowledge | 10 |
Education Psychology | 10 |
Total | 150 |
The syllabus for the Examination has been issued in G.O.(2D) No.10, School Education (SE7(1)) Department, Dated 27.02.2019. The syllabus can be downloaded from the TRB website
- ii) Minimum Eligibility Mark: As per G.O.Ms.No.107, School Education (Q2) Department, dated 24.07.2003 and Govt. Lr. No.12305/Q2/03-02, dated 08.10.2003, candidates have to secure a minimum of 50% marks in the examination (for SC-45% mark, ST-40% mark).
iii. Normalization of the marks: The Online Computer Based Examination may be conducted in multiple sessions. Whenever Online Computer Based Examination is conducted in multiple sessions based on the same syllabus, same pattern for candidates having same eligibility criteria, the raw marks obtained by the candidates in different sessions will be converted to normalized marks. A candidate will be permitted to appear only in one session.
In case if there is only one session, actual marks obtained by the candidates will be used for calculating the merit list.
TN TRB Computer Instructors Grade-I Syllabus PDF Download:
Here TN TRB Computer Instructors Grade-I Syllabus is provided for the candidates preparing for Exam. Candidates those who have applied for TN TRB Computer Instructors Grade-I Recruitment 2019 can use this syllabus helps you to give your best in the Computer Instructors Grade-I Exam. The TN TRB Syllabus topics mentioned below. The standard syllabus for TN TRB Computer Instructors Grade-I Exam is
Click Here for TN TRB Computer Instructors Grade-I Syllabus PDF Download
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